Wednesday, April 08, 2009

WFMW: Organized Hangers

I have a hate/hate relationship with clutter. I just really hate excess stuff around. But not only do I like to kill the clutter, I also really love an organized home. Mainly because I have trouble thinking in a mess. (Hmmm... seems to be a theme going on... me and problems with thinking)

So, today, I took some time to organize the hangers in our closet because my mind goes crazy thinking about what a "mess" they are. Not that they really are... I'm just weird like this.

Billy hangs all his clothes, so his side of the closet is incredibly tight, and well... unorganized. It's not a mess or anything, there was just a lot of visual clutter with different colors of hangers, and there was not much rhyme or reason to where shirts and pants were hung. Wish I had a before picture.

My side is sparse because most of my clothes are in a dresser, but I still had the same problem with the colored hangers. Just drives me crazy every time I walk into it.

So, today, I organized Billy's clothes so that like items were together (short-sleeved shirts, tee shirts, dress shirts, pants, you get the picture). But I also went a step further to - wait for it! - color code the hangers! Yes! This is what we stay at home moms do all day. Organize things that are actually already pretty organized by the rest of society's standards.

Anyway, it will be much nicer for me to go into there from now on. I got my side together, too.

Color-coding hangers is actually harder than you might think. Since my budget for this project was $0. I had to use what I have, so I was switching and counting and counting and switching a lot. But I finally came up with a good system.

Rock! One less place in my apartment to provide an excuse for my ever-increasing mental chaos. (Yes, Mom... I have some Mental Acuity Plus. I just forget to take it!)

Here are more Works for Me Wednesday posts.


  1. See... i am anal enough to do this... to need this done. BUT it would never be maintained. We both put laundry up and it would just add anxiety. I have actually resolved myself to be miserable with my closet from here on out. :(

  2. LOL... well, nothing said anything about it being maintained!

    We'll see how well that stays, but at least for today, it helped clear my mind a little bit. :)

  3. I love an organized closet...and my secret wish is to have all wood hangers someday, but obviously it's not in my budget either...however, When I organize my closet (which is about once ever month or so, (cause, I can't maintain) I enjoy arranging the clothes by type, such as short sleeve to long, and then color...I don't like certain patterns next to each other...I know--ridiculous, right? I think my issue is I like things too perfect--and it never stays that way. leading me to putting stuff off altogether, HA!

  4. What a great tip..I'll have to try it out! Thanks for sharing!


  5. Color-coded hangers, lol. I should take a picture of my closet for you. It is a total mess. But Tuesday I am tackling it with the help of a friend. I'm on a closet-cleaning tear - nesting, I guess.


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