Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Murdering Power of Facebook

So, my blog's lain fallow for a while. As usual.

And I blame facebook. No, seriously. (It's all facebook's fault, and none of my own.)

It's like this: I grew up in a time when it went from embarrassing to fashion to have ADD. From there, it become not good enough, and everyone needed to add in that extra hyper-activity in order to fit in: ADHD.

I didn't have it. And I was proud.

But now, my friends, I think I might be coming down with something. Not quite sure what to call it, but it is strongly tied to my status updates.

Writing blog posts, well... you kinda have to have something to say. But ever since I got addicted to facebook, I think in status updates. I think it one-sentence, unconnected, fleeting moments. And it's harder to see the big picture.

But I've found that I'm not alone. A few weeks ago, Billy introduced someone to the concept of twitter and explained, "Twitter killed my blog." (For those who still don't know...(Mom) twitter is just like facebook, but it's not fun.) My sister Kate is a facebook fiend, too, and her blog gets ignored, as evidenced in this post... which by the way is very similar to this post by Laura Anne. Others mentioned it too, but then claimed gardening as the reason their blog is suddenly quiet (I still have my suspicions on whether that's true, Beth. j/k)

Anyway, it's gotten hard to put together a strand of thoughts lately. That whole status thing is just to quick and easy.

Isn't that pathetic? Seriously. I mean... c'mon! I'm a college graduate, majoring in freaking WRITING! Hello!!!!

Yes... facebook is a strong force to be reckoned with, and I'm not sure if I'll win. But I won't go down without a fight.

But just in case, you can find me here:
Sarah Moore Chia's Facebook profile


  1. Here, Here... love facebook. Loathe stupid Twitter...

  2. Ha ha! I remember that day when I innocently posted what I was eating and thought even as I wrote that 'why I am stating that, who cares?'

    Apparently quite a few people did!! Lol.

    I do love twitter though. Great for prayer requests and finding out world news (depending on who you follow/are followed by).

    Don't let facebook take over your blog. Fight against it Sarah!!! You can do it!!!

  3. Honestly, I don't know how you two keep up the blogging so much! I'm gonna try because I really don't want my brain to stop working. Facebook seriously causes my brain to stop short of real thinking. ;)

  4. I'm holding out on facebook for that very reason... but I love status updates. You can't make a blog post over one sentence, but you can make a status update out of anything.

  5. I assure you it's not been because of facebook - although I can't say we've been doing much gardening either:)


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