Sunday, April 19, 2009

Convenient Sacrifice

I'm getting tired of eating rice. It's a sacrifice we make because of a principle we believe in, but this week, I remembered that it can really be easy to grow weary of doing good.

A big part of Saturday nights is to be hungry, to connect with the struggles of brothers and sisters around the world.

Still, it's difficult to live in America and really feel this.

Last night, my stomach hurt as I ate the rice. It's not the greatest thing for the digestive system, and I realized how difficult it would be to eat this when you're really hungry. If you haven't had food in three days, rice is not the friendliest thing you can partake of. It sits heavy and is difficult to digest (which makes me wonder why people say you should give a baby rice cereal first. It messed with both of my kiddo's systems, and I stopped it pretty quick for their health's sake).

I couldn't finish my meager bowl, and I was "starving" 2 hours later when our normal snack time arrived. So, I ate. And ate. And ate.

I had an egg and tuna and cereal and fruit. I had a bounty... which kinda counteracted the rice initiative in the first place.

But my point is that this "sacrifice" is only a convenient 2-hour hunger strike, and still it's hard.

Praise God that His Kingdom isn't contingent on me, but is built on His own strength. And by his strength we will continue to push forward to sacrifice for the sake of our little boy.


  1. As always, Sarah, you are such an example...

  2. So, I think that we're going to take up the weekly meal of rice and water. I think that it would be a great, tangible way for all of us to understand hunger. My kids will often say, "I'm STARVING!" and I will respond, "We don't know what starving is." Food is so accessible here we don't even realize it.

    As far as the Kingdom not being contingent on you, I get what you're saying. But I think that the condition of your heart is a magnificent thing, and your intentions are motivated by a true love of Jesus!

  3. Yes, we're gong to start having rice and beans one night a week when I can do a little research to find some good beans to use. But I will say, we ate rice everyday while in Africa, and because of how it's grown there (the soil is so much richer, the foods are all natural, nothing added, nothing taken away), rice was very easy to digest...atleast for me. It's crazy, but the moment we ate our first bite of Ugandan food, we could taste the differences between that and food here. I wish I could have their beans here in the US...I looooved it!


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