Thursday, April 09, 2009

Looking Presidential

A friend had a picture on facebook today that I thought had to be a joke, until I googled it and found a page on Amazon.

In case that's too serious-minded for you (cause we all know that Chia sculptures of presidents' heads have the potential to be too serious-minded), you can opt for the "Happy" version.

And of course, to answer the question on everyone's mind... no, we don't have a say in the ridiculous paraphernalia that gets marketed under our last name. Nor do we have any inheritance coming, that we know of.


  1. I have always wanted a presidential chia pet.

    Actually, I asked my parents for a chia pet for Christmas for about 5 or 6 years starting about age 9, and never got one. Upon reflection, my parents really missed the chance to spend less money on Christmas gifts.

  2. Su,

    I guess I never saw these before. I thought maybe it was something new with Obama.

    I always thought Chia pets were weird, but I thought Billy was pretty cool to have "Chia" for a last name. And I'm pretty glad to have it, too. Everyone gets a kick out of saying, "Hey! It's the Chias!"

    (Funny what little things will amuse us...)

  3. Actually, the first time I came on your blog, I thought, "What a cool last name." I don't think there have been presidential chia pets before, I always wanted the dog or whatever it was. (Sheep, maybe?)

    Anyway-- facebook! It's my first day on the site, and pretty much everyone I know already has one, so I'm just sending friend requests and whatnot, using the facebook suggestion list of "people you may know." Turns out, I did know a bunch of them, so I continued adding... but I guess there is a limit of how many people you can add per day. Or Facebook didn't believe that I know that many people in real life. Or something. Hence the "you are being annoying and will be blocked if you don't stop" message. So, I have stopped and will re-commence in a couple of days. Just my luck, really. :)


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