Monday, July 28, 2008

Music Monday > Songs We Wish We Wrote

Ever hear a song and get so jealous that you didn't write that amazing sentiment or tremendous melody?

Happens to me all the time, but recently "I Saw What I Saw" by Sara Groves has been at the top of the list of songs I wish I wrote.

It's awe-inspiring and yanks the tears from my eyes. I hope you enjoy it, in the kind of way that makes you want to serve God in new ways.

What song do you wish you wrote?
*This post is part of Music Monday


  1. Love Sara Groves work. She is the top of my list these days of favorite artists.

  2. i just saw her last night! She didn't sing this song, though. i've never heard this one. It's pretty!

  3. I love this song. Have you heard When the Saints by Sara Groves?

    I wish I had written that one. I also would love to write songs like The C.S. Lewis Song by Brooke Fraser, or Oh My God by Jars of Clay.

  4. Anonymous11:21 PM

    What a beautiful song. I saw what I saw and I can't forget . . . very inspiring.

  5. What a great song. I loved the part where her friend gave the shirt off his back. Reminded me of the story of Rich Mullins giving away some boots. Boots he had borrowed.

  6. Kat, no... I haven't heard When the Saints. But I might check it out if I can find it for free. ;)

    Stefanie, that sounds just like something Rich Mullins would do. He is totally my hero.

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Beautiful song. We just had some children from the Ugandan Orphan Choir at our church and there is something so inspiring about their spirit. I need to go blow my nose now.


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