Saturday, July 12, 2008

2 Great Causes

Today's fasters are Pete and Brent. These are guys that are normally in Billy's circle, and I try to let him have his own sphere that I stay out of. But today, I had to comment on their sites and link 'em up.

Pete's writing about legal action taken in the name of justice for the poor and oppressed. He highlights an organization that puts ethics back in the often corrupted field of the law. He interviews a friend who's involved with the International Justice Mission.

Brent is writing about something dear to my heart -- a local crisis pregnancy center. He has some heartwrenching stats and some uplifting info on the hope-filled mission of these dedicated people.

Please visit them today, and offer your prayers for their sustenance.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Will do! Have a blessed day~

  2. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Hey thanks for linking to Pete and me. Keep up the great work of sharing your story. It's those who go through the fire that god uses to refine others.



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