Friday, July 04, 2008

Mark Driscoll Done Me Proud

If you've been hanging around here long, you probably realize that I have a love/hate relationship with Mark Driscoll (what Christian doesn't?)

I love his determination. I love that he has strong opinions. I love that he's reaching out to our post-mod culture without buying into its wish-washy nature.

But I hate his jerkiness. I hate his forceful and derogatory comment. And sometimes, I just hate his opinions.

But today, Billy showed me a video that I absolutely love.

It's Mark Driscoll being strong and determined, but also loving and compassionate.

A few things to note:
  • The statistic he mentions of 1/3 of the congregation having been raped or molested is not limited to Mars Hill. This is a national statistic. It's sick, and it needs to change.
  • Believe it or not, many Christians are still not willing to believe that abortion is wrong. There are many pastors who won't take a stand on this, and many more congregants that still want to be PC and pretend it's a "choice" issue. As someone who went through a crisis pregnancy 8 years ago and someone who's counseled others through them, I know that there are other, better choices. It's not about a choice or a preference. It's about life. And as Driscoll says, "A life is a life."
  • At other times, I've heard Driscoll encourage people to attend small groups or get hooked into other community at the church in order to get encouragement or discipleship. Here, he offers to meet with this woman himself. I think that's a great balance between guarding your time and being available when people most need you.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Thanks for posting this.

    That was a pretty powerful answer Driscoll gave.

    It's great to see unwavering commitment to truth side by side with deep-hearted compassion.

    Unfortunately, that's often a missing combination these days, as people tend to err on either side--love or justice--without adhering to a Scriptural balance.

  2. Jesse,

    Kinda crazy that you came over when my title was nice and ungrammatical. lol

    Regardless, you're right that we need to stick to a scriptural balance. I think more people understand that than we often think. They just aren't always the vocal ones. Seems like people on extreme sides of an issue always get more press.

  3. Anonymous4:34 PM


    I never thought I'd be typing this to Mark Driscoll.


    I've actually got tears welling up (and I'm not really that kinda girl usually).

    Jesse - Amen to what you said too.

    Come on church!!!


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