Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Tragic Anniversary and Morbid Parties

No matter how, you spin it, today's 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade should be a sad thing. Even for those who choose to say the case was about a woman's right to choose.

The death of over 4000 unborn a day should be something to mourn, regardless of whose choice is at stake.

I find it unbearable that people on the "pro-choice" side (you know...the ones that don't go celebrating the anniversary of women's suffrage) have parties to celebrate this morbid decision.

I found several Planned Parenthood invitations online that toted lines like, "Come and celebrate 35 years of safe and legal abortions."

Right now, I feel like puking.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    We're 40 years on here in the UK...and now we're talking about doing away with the father on the birth certificate...more embyronic research...animal-human hybrid embryos.

    I find it just scary now.

    And really sad, that in the midst of all the scientific, political and religious debates that there are men and women weighed down with guilt, shame, fear, anger....being ignored because they are just a statistic and it's all done in secret...


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