Thursday, January 24, 2008

God Room

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I was reading Franklin Graham's autobiography, Rebel with a Cause.

Part of the DNA of Franklin's organization Samaritan's Purse, which was founded by the late Bob Pierce, is to promise more than they are humanly able to provide. Pierce called this "God Room."

It was a hard concept for Franklin to buy into. It remains hard for most people, including myself.

There's something so mystically appealing to me about having a faith that trusts that God will come through. Somehow, though, logic and math tend to get in the way often.

There was a time in my life that I saw God work every day. I saw need around me and saw God provide for that. It was in my own life and in the lives of those who I spent my time with.

I miss that time. And I miss those people. But I have a new energy for God's sovereignty, and it's encouraging to talk to new people that have this passion.


  1. when I worked in ministry, it was like that. Every day I saw God doing amazing things, and even during the extremely hard times I will filled with such an awe... After 4 years of that, adjusting to life outside of it was really hard. I felt only part of myself, missing the rest of me. My incompleteness left a major void.

    And then one day I realized it wasn't me I was missing, it was God. In that situation I had obviously had room for him, but in my day to day "after" life, I hadn't...

    Just had to share. This post made me think of that.

  2. That God Room is something that Lee and I are constantly grappling with. I thought that we would be in such a different place at this point in our lives. Last week our dentist told me I needed to take Laurel to an orthodontist and I freaked out (inside)! How are we ever going to be able to pay for that?
    But my God is a God who provides. One winter day two years ago we awoke to a broken furnace coupled with no money. God provided a new furnace for us within four hours!So I need to stop telling myself that God can't and leave room for Him to work!


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