Sunday, January 29, 2006

Too psyched to stand it

Ah, man... I seriously am in the best mood ever. Billy should be over soon to tell me all about youth group and I totally got my work done a long time ago. So, you know...being bored and all, I got online after the chica was in bed and I totally found my best friend from college. Ouch...okay Jenn...chill.... He was totally my best friend, too. I'm allowed to have different best friends. You're the best friend who tree jumped with me, stood by me while I was pregnant and ashamed, and kept me accountable. He was the best friend who I played music with, talked about philosophy with, hacky-ed with, didn't smoke pot with (Jenn was this best friend, too, by the way), travelled to Jersey with, and foolishly stopped chillin' with due to a lame choice in boyfriends. I've thought about him tons, and I finally found him on myspace. Now, I know that some people believe myspace is the devil, but right now, I'm freaking too psyched to stand it over how godly myspace is. least, God can use it, right????

Anyway, he hasn't been on since like November, so I'm just crossin my fingers and actually, I'm saying some prayers, too...cause I totally wanna see what he's up to.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    i understand. *snifflesniffle.* :-*(

    you can have other bestfriends :)


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