Monday, January 09, 2006


Oh my freakin' gosh! I am so incredibly tired right now, and I'm probably going to make no sense at all.

I'm at school this morning because the semester started today. It's cool. I was a bit nervous, like always. That just means that I talked too fast, and my students are probably like "what the heck?" But it's cool. I'm awaiting 11:00 so my next batch will come. My first class is full, but my other two aren't, which is nice. I can always connect a little better when there are fewer people in the class. And less papers to grade...duh.

So, we got back from Michigan at like 11:30 last night, I think. Or at least, once I got my stuff out of the car and got ready for bed, that's when it was. 6:00 came too soon.

Michigan was a blast. We did nothing, and I loved every minute of it. Except for the ones when I was cranky over a lack of sleep and other annoying things. I didn't love those minutes, but meeting Billy's brother was super cool. He's just as cool as Billy said. We had some good late night talking, and he called me, "Sis." That was probably the cherry on top of the sundae. Although....I don't actually like those cherries.

Anyway, I also got to meet Flynn, who made a huge impact on Billy's life. Is was really neat to have lunch with him and his wife and hear some of their stories and tell some of ours.

Eve-Marie can't wait to go back. She told us that before we'd even reached Indianapolis.


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