Saturday, February 25, 2006

Time Slips so Quickly Away

So, it's been a while, huh?

Yeah...things are cool here, but hectic, and I have little time to relax anymore. On Billy's accountability sheet at church, there's a place where it asks if he got to have any fun that week. Ithink that's cool. They don't want their staff to get overworked or to put work as an undue priority. So, he's been playing a video game lately to have fun.

I, on the other hand, have not had a ton of time for fun, and it's kinda taking its toll on me. Today, though, I get to go hang out with my bridesmaids and just have some lunch and fellowship.

I'm hoping to go to youth group tomorrow, too. That'll be fun. I haven't been in a few weeks.

SO.....those of you who know me...or have read any of the entries about waiting in between visits with Billy....know that counting down is my way of life. Of course...2 weeks to the day till the wedding. That sounds do-able. I'm particularly thrilled that I had the foresight to schedule student conferences with my students for the week prior to the wedding. This is much less stress than actually teaching for those days. (In case anyone cares...)

Well...I guess I'm out. I do have much to do today, but I have to was fun to sit down and catch you all up.

Can't wait to see some of you at the wedding, and for anyone who never sent me your suck! But you can still come. E-mail me, and I'll hook you up with the info.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    win an ipod nano NOW-EVEN-MORE-ERR!!!

    whatever. so yeah, thanks for the update. i keep checkin' back to hear what's up with the wedding plans....and no dice :)


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