Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Northern Lights

So, I guess it's about time I process some that crazy stuff from last week, huh? I guess I haven't yet cause...well, Billy did such a great job on his site.

But I have some other things going on in my mind, too, I suppose. Imagine that...ha...we're different people after all.

So, I feel so lame for not wanting to play by the rules in Michigan. But I feel even lamer for calling Jolyn white trash just because I didn't like the rule. I'm super sorry for that. But fortunately, I'm right there with you cause Michigan has some irresistable force that draws my hand out the window when it's down. So, maybe it's only white trash in Evansville, where MOST things are white trash.

So, yeah...I think other than that one moment, things were completely awesome, and I'm grasping for words besides Billy's to talk about it. No wonder he just lists the highlights. Here's one of my highlights: that words aren't effective...but then they are once you actually use them. Lots of good talking. I'm down. Anytime.

Oh, yeah...I got to see "Two-steppin' Honest" live, so that rocked. I watched the DVD today, as is my Tuesday ritual. It was cool again, as always. But it was even cooler cause I've seen him play it live. Isn't that all cheesy and sappy and lame? Hmmmm.... perhaps I finally have some confirmation that I'm a girl.

Another good thing in Michigan (but this had nothing to do with being IN Michigan) was the fact that all these tears that have been refusing to let go finally let go. It actually started a few days prior to my trip, as I started reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge. It just kept going, which was awesome...the crying, I mean. And then, I got to cry not just over the book, but over real circumstances that actually touched my heart. It was pretty comforting, as is Billy's shoulder.

So, Michigan...the overall verdict is that I love it.
Evansville... it's good to be home, but I'm tired and perhaps a little lonely (but not too much).

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