Friday, September 09, 2005

Fun in the Dark with Cops

So, here's one benefit of insomnia: You get to chill on the street with your boys in blue (or brown, as it were). I had an awesome visit with Paul, the Cop, tonight....err...this morning. He's one of my best friends, and it makes me sad that I never get to see him. Usually, he'll stop by for a couple minutes and tell me about the progress of his house renovation, and then he's off to another call. But when it's 2 am, and I can't sleep, who better to ring up than the law? So, we got a good 1 1/2 visit standing outside, feeling all cool, and leaning on his cruiser. He'll kill me if he ever reads this cause he's such a man's man (seriously!), but he's such a girl sometimes, too. I can talk to him about all my girlie stuff and he just says, "Good for you!" And it makes me feel good.

He thinks Billy is a fine-looking man, but he thought that he's younger than me, to which I took offense.

He also thinks that I've come a long way since we first met about a year and a half ago. I didn't think I was that bad off back then, but apparently, he's super proud of the changes in my life. I have to say, to redeem myself for that "girl" comment up there--Paul was a big reason that I was strong last spring and summer when my job sucked and then I lost it, and Joe was a loser (still is, as far as I know...where the freak's my child support!!!!!!?????). Paul is really awesome at encouraging. He always has positive things to say, and he always looks out for me, too. He's definitely my big brother, but also a really good friend.

Our time together ended with a car speeding down my street and Paul pulling it over from my driveway. After showing mercy by releasing him without a ticket, Paul left to go fight crime. A good time was had by all.

I hope it won't be so long till next time, Gash.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    that's totally awesomeness. i <3 hangin w/ people at 2. & this paul person sounds rawkin.

    btw, u r my hero.


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