Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Liquid Gold

Man... Sometimes life is too much trouble. And then sometimes it's really, really good. I wish I had some of that really good bottled up so I could just pour it out on myself when I'm tempted to wallow.

Not that my life is in the mire or anything. Things are super cool, so I really have no complaints. I just have to be dramatic, I suppose.

Yeah. Things are cool. Cause Billy was here this weekend, and it was awesome. We had fun. We went to a show. We watched the river, went to Seekers and to church. We played hackey sack, and said goodbye. It was cool to be with him again.

It was sad to see him go, and worse to have Monday without him.

But really...I think I'm just as down about how little I do for the causes I support. Like I just read "Blue Like Jazz." (This book now comes highly recommended by me. My seal of approval is on the cover of the latest printing.) But yeah...that book was so incredibly real, and I wanted to marry the guy. Except, I have a suspicion that he's a little overweight and possibly too old for me, and while we're being real, I may as well admit that I have a huge superficial streak in me, and I could never marry someone who was overweight on the wedding day. Cause I don't think that I would ever be able to give him a chance with dating if he were overweight. And let's just face it, you have to be attracted to the man you marry or your wedding night...well....

But that's not the point. The point is that there're are real people starving for whatever they're starving for, and it bothers me, but I still would rather have my Jamaica picture framed than send the $10 to Samaritan's Purse or something. I do not really beat myself up over this picture as much as it sounds on my blog. I love my picture, and it's not a sin to buy a picture frame.

Anyway...if anyone has an idea for the bottled good times, let me know...

I'm out.

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