Tuesday, July 05, 2005

New songs...

So, I'm hoping to have some songs up on here soon, assuming that geocities will start working and that my connection isn't too slow to upload the files.
But anyway...below are the lyrics to the ones I've recorded.


I'm so tired
Of feeling sorry for myself
I'm so restless here in America.
I'm so tempted
To leave everything I know,
To just get up and go.

I need a reason to stay,
To not leave everything behind,
To make it through today
Not wond'ring what happened to my life.
This isn't where I thought I would be.
This isn't where I wanted to be.
This isn't where I hoped I would be--

I was so sure...
But I've come here unprepared.
I'm so wasted and feeling so alone.
I'm so sickened
By the world I see around me.
But it's all I have found.

--No Title Yet--

You can't stop running away,
But who are you running to?
You have to get away
To find yourself anew,
But who are you?
Yeah, who do you think you are?
And when did this impression on your mind
Become more than He who called?

So, you're scared of losing all you hold?
I think you're scared of growing old
And finding you're still alone.

You find an empty road
And an empty tomb beside.
Are you washed out in the blood,
Or tossed out in the tide?
Well, which way is up?
Yeah, how much freedom do you possess?
And where does freedom get you, anyway,
If your heart is still a mess?
Will you ever find success?

Cut The Rope

Cut the rope
That's tying me down
And leaving me lonely
In this distant town.
I've been waiting for you too long.
You never come around,
So why are you tying me down?
Cut the rope.

You do well to glorify yourself.
Just the same, only a fool would think
You are the one who's pulling me higher
Or you are the water my thirsty heart drinks.
Well, it was just your imagination.
You're creative and I'll give you that.
But I can't live on potential earnings
And dreams of Cadillacs.

I never asked for much--
Just a little love from you.
All you had to say was "You're special to me."
And "Where you are, I want to be too."
But it was just my imagination
Dreaming that you'd come through for me.
Always dreaming of the future
That one day we'd be a family.

Moving On

Each time you speak--
Did you think I'd want to listen,
As you shred me to pieces
With your sorry monologue?
What did you think I'd say
When you asked me to reply?
Did you think I'd passively lie by?

Ain't feeling sorry.
I'm not the one that's killing you.
I won't apologize.
You're not the one I answer to.
Well, I'm distracted by my lack of care.
That's why I left you there
Where you've been living too long.
I'm moving on.

I don't owe you an explanation.
My silence says all I'll say.
You don't listen, anyway.
Each time you cry--
I want to bury you in your grave.
Did you think I'd want you here
To root me in my fear?

I don't want you,
And you think that no one wants you
And you threaten suicide.
Well, I'm done now.
I'm moving on somehow
From my attempts to rectify.
If you die...
It's only you who dies.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    nice, sarah. we totally have to collaborate. tom's finishing the studio this week in our casa, so evie and you have to make the road trip and cut some trax with us!

  2. Totally...but you know that I don't drive more than 45 minutes. So, uh...how bout you come pick me up? heheh. Actually, I'd like to come, so I'll get the e-mail going, and we'll make plans, NN.


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