Sunday, July 17, 2005

An Experiment in Fasting and Prayer

Today was as in God is totally amazing it's insane. I had my first successful day of fasting and prayer. And I hesitate to write about it cause I'm not all trying to be boastful, like look at how holy I am cause I fasted. Actually, I gave up on fasting for appearances a long time ago. When you do that, it never works anyway. The way I alway experienced it was that I spent all day thinking about how hungry I was that I never had a chance to pray anyway. And really, who wants to not eat if you're not gonna get that benefit of prayer to compensate?

No, see, I actually fasted cause for the first time I felt called to do it. I've had a bunch of stuff thrown at me lately. Mainly, God did some amazing things in me concerning relationships. All kinda of relationships: my relationship with Him, with my friends, with my family (particularly my father), with my neighbors, and with a certain awesome somebody that I've never even met before.

I think what surprised me the most about today was the certainty I have as I end my day and prepare to go on with life as usual...although I'm not altogether convinced that I want to do that. But the thing is that everything I prayed about today has been in my prayers for weeks. Today, though, I have answers.

I broke my fast with dinner at Culver's, which is usually awesome, but today, it gave me a tummy ache. I think that eating Chocolate Peanut Crisp custard was a little over the top for not eating all day. It sounded so good on the menu, but right now...well, it makes me wanna puke.

Anyway, I feel rejuvenated (and oil-free!). I think things are gonna be cool for a while, and when they're not again...I think I understand what I need to do.



  1. Finally got to read this. Yeah God is kewl.

  2. Totally. It amazes me how He works things for our confidence and He really does give us wisdom when we ask for it, just as promised in James 1. And then, it amazes me that I'm amazed at Him. Will I ever learn that He can do more than I could ask for or even think to ask for?


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