Sunday, July 17, 2005

Living High on the Moonshine Hog

Okay, so why is it that people who like bad music also like it loud? Especially when it's bad bluegrass (and yes, as a matter of fact, there is good bluegrass )Man! I know I shouldn't complain. The only reason I had to endure 3 hours of crappy music was because I got a last minute painting job and made money to replace my child support that never came. So, actually, despite the music, it was actually great. A good ending to a great day.

It started like any normal Sunday at church. Worship was awesome. And my pastor preached about David and Bathsheba. He was totally hardcore about honesty and about addictions and pornography, which I thought was awesome. And he also talked to women about being sure that we're dressing modestly. That can be pretty hard, but girls are worth so much more than they think they are.

Probably the highlight of the day was that today was NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY! Yeah! So, I have this really good friend who's an ice cream addict, and she and her daughter were more than happy to celebrate it with us. They're funny cause they don't even care if it's ice cream day or not...they're straight up addicted, I swear. But we're not, so we needed this perfect excuse to indulge. ice cream and chocolate syrup....yummy yumm yumm. Although I think I'm gaining weight right now just by thinking about it. (And yes, as a matter of fact, that is possible...some sorta chemical thing going on in your body...)

Tomorrow I get to watch my favorite little girl (other than my daughter) and then go talk about Jamaica with a bunch of other Jesus freaks and then talk to someone amazing on the phone. I'm looking forward to that. :)

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