Monday, August 22, 2011

What Bugs Me

Prompt: 5 of my absolute worst pet peeves...

1. Facebook statuses about the weather

I'm 32, and over the course of time, I've noticed that every single year, it gets hot in the summer.  It gets really hot.  Like I walk outside and sweat.  Can you believe it?  But eventually, we have 2 weeks of nice weather, and then it gets cold.  Like break out the fur-lined ear muffs cold.  Freaking, who-would-have-thought-it-would-ever-get-this-cold-6-months-ago? cold.  And we all swear that we will never complain about the sun again.  But first, we endure the rain of spring.   The grass gets mushy and nice days are too few before this whole cycle starts over again.  EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.  Okay?  Every year.  So, really... do we all need to put up a status update about it?

2.  Cars that stop when I'm waiting to cross the not-busy street with my 3-year-old.

I'm trying to be a responsible parent and teach my child not to cross when there are cars in the road.  This makes it very difficult as he is not really able to tell that you've slowed down enough for me to cross.  If you would just politely continue driving, I will cross the street after you pass... you know, the way I've told my child we should do it.

3. When I correct my child and someone else then encourages the behavior again.

I can't think of an example, but trust me, it happens.

4. When I have to drag Billy to bed, and then he gets ready faster than I do and covers his face with the comforter, as if the light in the bathroom is just soooooo burdensome.

Ummmm... you wouldn't be in bed if it weren't for me, so you could at least just hang out and wait for me like a normal person.  (Of course, then I couldn't get back at you by sprawling across the whole bed and not letting you in when I get there first.)

5. When people talk bad about their spouse in public.

I would not have said #4 about Billy except that we joke about it all the time.  And it's not really that big of a thing.  But I really hate it when people are constantly tearing down their spouse.  It's very unbecoming and destructive.

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