Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Right Now

Prompt:  Right now is the best time to start.  What is your first step?

Well, I guess this isn't going to be anything profound, but this house is getting to me.  Oh, not the actual house... just the "not quite moved in" status of our belongings.

It's been just over a month now, and it feels like there's still a long way to go.  We're done with the big stuff.  All the furniture is arranged.  Clothes are hung.  Kitchen is arranged in working order.  It all has been for 4 weeks.  But that other stuff.  All the little things that took so long to pack, are taking even longer to unpack. 

And my first step towards fixing that is tiny.  Open a box.

I know it's that simple.  But behind that simple step is other more complex things.  Decisions have to be made about where to put things.  Organizing needs to be done, some organizing containers need to be purchased.  But before I even know what I need to organize, I must open that box.


I did actually unpack a little bit today, and it felt good, but I tell you what... opening up a box and unpacking... just one box... wore me out.  Still, that's one box down.  If I do this every day, we should be moved in by Christmas!

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