Monday, August 11, 2008

What is the Simple Life?

As a homeschooler, I run into a lot of people who glamorize the "simple" life of Laura Ingalls. These women like the idea of stringing cranberries and popcorn for Christmas decorations. They blog statements like, "Oh, to return to the simpler days!"

Excuse me???

Have you watched Little House on the Prairie? Sure the Christmas decorating seemed fun and quaint, but what about the episode where Charles (and the rest of the men) had to go find work in Mankato for 3 months, leaving the women behind to farm and take care of the kids? (episode 3, season 1) That doesn't sound so simple to me.

Another movement toward "simple" can be found on Shaun Groves' blog. Now you all know I think his blog is the best on the web, after Billy's. So, when you go there to read about his idea of simplicity, make sure you also subscribe to his feed.

But Shaun's idea of simple seems to completing twist the word around. Can you please tell me what's simple about un-plugging and re-plugging and un-plugging cords into outlets? Or how about washing all dishes by hand and hanging up laundry to dry? Sounds very simple, huh?

But I'm passionate about simplicity. Seriously. So passionate that 4 years ago when the e-harmony profile asked me what the one thing that I was most passionate about was, I answered, "simplicity."

So, what's simple to me? Simple is scaling back on the abundance of consumerism, yet appreciating the convenience of the 21st century. Simple is finding value in nature and giving priority to beauty and friendship around us.

For a great look at my kind of simplicity, check out this week's simplicity tips from Beth of My Simpler Life. (And while you're there subscribe to her feed to!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I know. Whenever people say they want to go back to Little House days, I think they're nuts.


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