Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pray for the Persecuted Church

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, and since our local church is very involved in overseas missions, we had a special emphasis on the suffering that our brothers and sisters around the world go through.

Over 100,000 Christians a year are martyred for their faith, and even more are starved, burned, thieved, or otherwise tortured and unjustly treated.

It is difficult to even imagine what life under these type of circumstances would be like. We live comfortably, but the Bible calls us to suffer with our brothers and sisters.

So, please pray right now for our fellow Christians to persevere and for us in free countries to remember their cause.

If you'd like more suggestions on how to suffer with the persecuted church, Rick McKinley has a great couple of chapters on this in his book This Beautiful Mess.


  1. I got to meet persecuted Christians from Burma in July. If the Karen people from Burma are not on your prayer radar, please include them. 30%-50% of the Karen population are Christian in a dominantly Buddhist area of the world. If you're curious, you can learn more from these organizations:
    Karen Human Rights Group
    Christians Concerned for Burma
    U.S. Campaign for Burma

  2. Thanks for the links, Mark.


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