Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Movie to See

If you only see one movie to see this holiday, Billy might encourage you to see The Golden Compass.

But I'm leaning more toward this one:

HT: Will Samson


  1. I had the priveledge of seeing What Would Jesus Buy last year and LOVED IT! I am a huge Morgan Spurlock fan though, so I knew I would...

    It's certainly a must see, (She types as she orders Christmas gifts from Kohls simultaneously!)

    As for the Golden Compass. We will not be seeing that. I had the opportunity to attend a screening when my editor (I freelance for a Christian publication) offered me background on the film. It was written by an athiest to counteract the successes of CS LEWIS'S Chronicles of Narnia... In the "Dark Tales" (the Golden Compass trilogy) the children triumph in killing God and making the world a better place.
    Horrible, Horrible...

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    This is a hilarious clip! I agree with your friend Misty about the Golden Compass movie. I read about the premis and do not plan to watch it.
    ...your friend who rarely posts comments, but laughed so hard watching that clip (CS) Happy schooling to ya!

  3. I agree that the Golden Compass doesn't look like something I personally am interested in.

    But Billy might want to see it because people will be talking about it, and we feel like it's important to

    (1) expose our children to views that are contrary to our own while they are still under our protection. That way, they will learn discernment and how to hold firm to the truth.


    (2) talk to others who watch movies that are against God in order to explain the Christian viewpoint. We need to be educated on what the world is valuing (while still holding firm to the truth) so that we can have a discussion with someone who is wondering about God after seeing the movie.

    (BTW, thanks for commenting CS!)


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