Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not Somehow...

But Triumphantly!

This is a point my pastor has been emphasizing lately.

The Christian life isn't about pulling through the tough times "somehow." It's about the power of Christ pulling us through the tough times triumphantly.

My friend, Elaine, is passionate about this, and over the months that I've spent meeting with her, it has been an eye-opening and encouraging truth to talk about.

There's a problem in the church (and everywhere else, by the way) of people wearing masks and pretending everything's fine when really everything is falling apart.

It's become trendy to talk about being "real" and "transparent." This is a good thing...

Except for when the definition of real becomes a description for pouring out negativity and doubts.

You don't hear about transparency and realness when people are happy. And this is a slap in the face to God.

In the classic over-compensation, church-whiners today are forgetting that the power of God is real, and that victory is ours.

So, let's be real about the hardship, but let's allow that realness to include the triumph of Jesus being manifest in our lives.


  1. wow! this was a really harsh, but true post. I am going to email it to my husband because, as we are going through this season of life where circumstances force us to live in separate parts of the country, I find that many of our God conversations revolve loosely around this very idea...

  2. Misty, that must be really hard. My husband and I have had some conversation about what that might be like since he's looking for a new job and there's a possibility that he'd have to go somewhere before our house sold, etc. I certainly don't envy you during this period.

    But I hope you'll remember the strength of God while you endure. It is with this power that we are more than conquerors!

  3. I love that! It is so easy to get into a pattern of negativity that you don't even notice. Joyce Meyers has a book called Battlefield of the Mind that really tackles this subject.

    Still...when we are going through struggles it can be difficult to see the sunny side. That's why we all need other Christians to help us shine like stars. Yay, Jesus!

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Yay to Jesus is right! While it's good to talk about the transparencies and realism we all face in terms of attitude, issues that come up, etc., it's still good to remember that we are more than conquerors through Christ and that in his name we have the victory already. Can't ever lose sight of that. Even death cannot defeat us. Amen!

  5. Wow. What a challenge.

    But mainly cos it's one that will probably strike a cord in many...


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