Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Song for the Screw-Up

Love covers over us
Erases the sin
Eliminates our weaknesses
Removes from us the pain

And this love is divine
Yet I feel it in your touch.
And when you're close,
I believe in God.

Love covers over us
When we've given up
When we've failed to know what to do.
It's still the only truth.

And this love is beyond
All the feelings I have found.
And it keeps me here
When I'd rather go.

But I'm sorry when my words
And everything I am
Is nothing that you deserve
And I'm sorry I forget about your love.

For your love is divine
And I cannot measure up.
Yet you stay with me,
And you show me God.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    i like your song. got a melody for it yet? tom and i are working on stuffs lately!

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, HAAAAAAPPY anniversarrrryyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

    update your blog for me, update your blog for me, update your blog for me, upppppppppppdate your blogforme!


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