Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just for Jenn

Things are good. I'm getting into a bit of a routine for now. That's all subject to change based on the whims of my baby.

Let's see... the anniversary was amazing. It think it was a really good exercise in coming together for me and Billy. We had some good talking and some nice heart connecting. Of course, there was also the top of the cake and some nice wine. Our room had a hot tub, and we definitely took advantage of that. And then, no anniversary is complete without watching The Apprentice.

So...I don't really know what else to say.....

I'm not in the mood to blog right now...kinda in the middle of school with Eve, so that makes it hard.

Gotta go!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:01 PM


    We still have our cake. We didn't exactly do it right. We had it in the freezer, and then when we tried to thaw it, it didn't thaw, but then we put it in the fridge, then forgot about it, and now, we still have the darn thing in its box down in the basement, and it doesn't smell, so we've kept it. It's probably like fossilized or petrified by now, and I think that we should open it up and look at it on our 10 year anniversary or something. Hahah!


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