Monday, October 16, 2006


And I am very thrilled, as is Eve-Marie. When I told her that she has a sister, she said, "My wish came true!!!" (Yes, it was with three exclamation points.)

Next comes the room preparation and name choosing. And just so everyone knows.... Billy and I will name our kid whatever the heck we want regardless of opinions of family and friends.

January 21-28 is the approximate due week.

Photo to come soon...or at least eventually.


  1. By the way...Billy's thrilled too.

  2. Woo-hoo! This is so exciting. I got your message, but I was out praising God and stuff until about 11. I will call you soon. I'm way excited for you :)

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    so i think you should name her Esmerelda Gertrude. Okay? And If you Do NOT listen to me I will become extremely offended and I will fart in your general direction.


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