Sunday, January 29, 2006

Too psyched to stand it

Ah, man... I seriously am in the best mood ever. Billy should be over soon to tell me all about youth group and I totally got my work done a long time ago. So, you know...being bored and all, I got online after the chica was in bed and I totally found my best friend from college. Ouch...okay Jenn...chill.... He was totally my best friend, too. I'm allowed to have different best friends. You're the best friend who tree jumped with me, stood by me while I was pregnant and ashamed, and kept me accountable. He was the best friend who I played music with, talked about philosophy with, hacky-ed with, didn't smoke pot with (Jenn was this best friend, too, by the way), travelled to Jersey with, and foolishly stopped chillin' with due to a lame choice in boyfriends. I've thought about him tons, and I finally found him on myspace. Now, I know that some people believe myspace is the devil, but right now, I'm freaking too psyched to stand it over how godly myspace is. least, God can use it, right????

Anyway, he hasn't been on since like November, so I'm just crossin my fingers and actually, I'm saying some prayers, too...cause I totally wanna see what he's up to.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Remember the Victims of Abortion

January is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand. Since then, over 3,000 unborn a day have been killed at the hands of "doctors." But babies aren't the only victims. God will take care of the babies, but the parents continue to live with the memory and pain. Please pray for their healing.

"6 after Christmas.
I put some clothes on in the dark.
Smell of seat is freezing.
The world is sleeping; I am not.

Up the her apartment.
She is balled up on the couch.
Mom and Dad went down to Charlotte.
They're not here to find us out.

And we drive.
Now that I have found someone,
I'm feeling more alone than I ever have before.

She's a brick, and I'm drowning slowly
Off the coast, and I'm heading nowhere.
She's a brick, and I'm drowning slowly.

They call her name at 7:30.
I pace around the parking lot.
I walk down to buy her flowers
and sell some gifts that I got.

Can't you see?
It's not me you're dying for.
Now she's feeling more alone than she ever has before.

She's a brick, and I'm drowning slowly
Off the coast, and I'm heading nowhere.
She's a brick, and I'm drowning slowly.

As weeks went by,
It showed that she was not fine.
They told me, "Son, it's time to tell the truth,"
and she broke down.
I broke down cause I was tired of lying.

Driving back to her apartment.
For the moment, we're alone.
She's alone.
I'm alone.
Now I know it."

--"Brick" by Ben Folds Five

Monday, January 09, 2006


Oh my freakin' gosh! I am so incredibly tired right now, and I'm probably going to make no sense at all.

I'm at school this morning because the semester started today. It's cool. I was a bit nervous, like always. That just means that I talked too fast, and my students are probably like "what the heck?" But it's cool. I'm awaiting 11:00 so my next batch will come. My first class is full, but my other two aren't, which is nice. I can always connect a little better when there are fewer people in the class. And less papers to grade...duh.

So, we got back from Michigan at like 11:30 last night, I think. Or at least, once I got my stuff out of the car and got ready for bed, that's when it was. 6:00 came too soon.

Michigan was a blast. We did nothing, and I loved every minute of it. Except for the ones when I was cranky over a lack of sleep and other annoying things. I didn't love those minutes, but meeting Billy's brother was super cool. He's just as cool as Billy said. We had some good late night talking, and he called me, "Sis." That was probably the cherry on top of the sundae. Although....I don't actually like those cherries.

Anyway, I also got to meet Flynn, who made a huge impact on Billy's life. Is was really neat to have lunch with him and his wife and hear some of their stories and tell some of ours.

Eve-Marie can't wait to go back. She told us that before we'd even reached Indianapolis.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Montego Bay Sunset