Monday, March 17, 2008


From Lifetime Guarantee by Bill Gillham:

"It's easy to praise the Lord when everything's cool, but you can "offer up a sacrifice of praise" (Heb. 13:15) only when it's not. A sacrifice costs something. It hurts to give it. Praising the Lord when you feel bad is not being a phony either; it's being obedient. Your heart can be in it even when your emotions are not."

I highly recommend this amazing book.


  1. That's so true! i know when i try to fake a good attitude, i think "God doesn't want me to fake having a good attitude." But it's not true. You're completely right: it's about being obedient. God will bless our obedience by helping us begin to have genuine good attitudes during trials if we're willing to make it a habit.

  2. "Your heart can be in it even when your emotions are not."


    I know this other guy who says that a lot...

  3. Jessica,

    Exactly! I think that there's a difference between "faking it" and relying on the truth that God's worthy of praise even when we don't feel like praising.

    We can know with our minds and praise God from an intellectual stand-point, even when our feelings are yelling at us to stop it.


    Who might that be?

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

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