Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Looking Good on a Lousy Day

Today was beyond hard. The details aren't relevant, but trust me, it wasn't a pretty day. BUT, that's no reason why I can't be pretty!

I've been feeling just plain worn out lately. I'm not the only one. Pianomomsicle feels it, too. It's part of being a mom to a baby and having... well... basically anything else going on at all.

So, as a light-hearted break from some of my normal heavy stuff, I wanted to share some of my favorite "look alive" make up solutions for those days when you're feeling like dropping over dead.

Under-eye Concealer

My current favorite is a liquid concealer from Neutrogena. It goes on smooth and blends well. I use a color 2 shades lighter than my normal foundation because it gives a more natural look. Just blend in the foundation to the bottom area of the concealer and you have a nice fade into your face color. All of Neutrogena's products have built-in skin care elements, also. So, I feel fairly confident that this concealer isn't clogging my pores to no end.

Pressed Powder Highlighter

Physician's Formula has a great product to bring extra glow to your skin to help you look brighter and more lively. I learned about this product in college, but never tried it for myself until I was shopping for wedding make up. The first time I applied it, I was sold. The last powder I got was a neutral, solid color, and I was so glad to run out the other day so that I could get this one again.


  1. I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.

    Gregory E. Lang
    Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.

  2. here is my question: Can you get the physicians formula stuff anywhere other than their website????

  3. Misty,

    Yep! It's available at both Target and Walmart. I'm sure you could find it at drugstores, also.

  4. Target is where I find my chi. (or is it Chee) so perfect. I am naive and would have thought it was eye shadow... Thanks again!


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