Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, today was the magic day. We closed on our house. What a relief. I'll write more on the trauma of the weeks leading up to today, but for now, I just have to say that I'll be gone for a while.

I'm planning to sell the desk that my computer is on and will be breaking the computer down here soon.

It should be back up and running by mid-April.

So, keep me in your reader, and I'll catch you up on the hassle of moving day.


  1. Congrats! Good luck with all the ensuing craziness!

  2. Yay! This is wonderful :). We're so happy for you guys and we know that the adventure in Hunstville will be pretty awesome.

    We're coming home next weekend, so we'll need to work something out. We're leaving late Thursday (after Wes' elder's meeting) and will stay till Saturday sometime.

    We'll talk soon--so excited!!! Congrats :)

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Fantastic news! Just left comment on Billy's blog too!

    Will miss your blog posts for the next few weeks though!


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