Friday, July 20, 2007

Praise the Sweet Lord Jesus

Ashlyn's had a hard time with the whole sleeping thing ever since the Michigan disaster.

Tonight, I thought, was bound to be the same. After being an incredibly agreeable girl all evening, though, Ashlyn laid happily on Eve's bed as I tucked the latter in. I then carried Ashlyn to her room, swaddled her and proceeded to try nursing. No cooperation. So, I gave up on that, and tried rocking with her pacifier. No thank you, she argued.

So, I said, "Oh, yeah? Then you can just be by yourself for a while." I laid her down in her crib, and her an hour later haven't heard a peep from her.

I'm going to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    "Praise the sweet Lord Jesus"
    I love when you and Evie say stuff that I say.


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