Friday, July 20, 2007

He-e-e-e-e-re We Go....

Every time I've been on a roller coaster, there's always been someone that hears the click of the mechanism unlocking the cars from the start gate and feels the need to announce to those around: "Heeeeeeeeeeere we go!" My mom is that person. It's quite endearing. So much so that I've become one of those people, too, out of habit.

There's an amusement park in Pennsylvania called Kennywood. It's a small, local-type deal outside of Pittsburgh. My family went to it when I was around 5th or 6th grade, as we were visiting the town where my mom grew up.

Kennywood has an ancient wooden rollercoaster that's built into the side of a huge hill. It was jittery as the train rushed over it, and honestly, it was a bit scary, but in that adrenaline-pumping, I-can't-get-enough sort of way. Ultimately, it was exciting.

But the thing that I remember most about that particular coaster was that the Thunderbolt was where I realized my mom was "that person."

But this isn't about my mom being "that person." It's really about the emotional and spiritual roller coasters that we ride throughout our lives. I'll be the first to say I'm on one now. With a 6 month old baby, I never know when sleep will elude me or when I'll be well-rested. Likewise, I never know if I'll be happy to be a mom or depressed to the point of drastic measures. And unfortunately, where my mood goes, my faith follows.

And I was wondering today why I'm scared of those roller coasters. This isn't the excited kind of scared. This is the fear-ridden kind. Why am I afraid to be sad? Why am I afraid to be hurt? Why am I afraid to be passionate?

When I married Billy, I vowed to him before God and our witnesses that I would join him in the adventure that God ordained for us. That adventure will include a coaster, and I don't want to be too afraid to enjoy it.

Why can I say, "Heeeeeeeeeeere we go" on the man-made ride, but not on the adventure that God is guiding me in? Why are amusement parks' rides exciting, but life's roller coasters paralyzing?


  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    There is nothing you could do to make me love you less.

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    because you're fighting the flesh. it's hard when we're supposed to have this unseen, "are we crazy in the head or is God really, really talking to us" faith adventure that we're supposed to have. But you just gotta get quiet and let God talk to you. Speak to me Lord, for your servant is listening. That's in like, 1 Samuel I think. Yeah.

    Good metaphor though.


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