Sunday, July 22, 2007


Is it wrong to get turned on in church?

Last night was Billy's first time leading worship at CFC. Fortunately, we got a chance to see him before the service and he could ask me to sit in a different spot than we normally do. This way, we could see each other while he was on stage, which was nice because in my selfishness, I really want to be able to worship with him in our service. And even though I was super happy that he has found the time, energy and passion to join the worship team, I didn't really want to miss out on having that joint time together. So, this way, we worshiped together, even though we were apart.

I have to say, though, that while I was worshiping God, I was also thinking about how totally HOT! my husband is. Made me really super proud to see that shiny band around his finger.

I think that other girls will be seeing him right about now (he's at church for the Sunday morning services) and be disappointed when they see that ring. And I'll be the girl they're all jealous of cause I get to hold his hand walking down the hallway...

And I get to go home with him at the end of the service.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Heck yes it's okay to me - to get all hot and bothered at church while your husband is on stage leading worship - that has probably got to be the most Holy Hotness you're able to muster, ever! Right on! Keep up the holy hotness!


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