Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Late Night

I should be in bed.  I know I say that a lot, although it has been less frequent as of late.  But tonight, I really should be in bed.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up at 7:00 to an otherwise empty bed.  And that bed will be all mine for 4 nights.  Which I'm actually looking forward to.  Oh, no... I'm not dreading the night times.  It's the awake times.  It's the "I have 3 lengthy errands, homeschooling, and dinner preparations to make tomorrow and I will be alone with the kids on little sleep."  That's what I'm dreading.

Billy leaves for Mexico tomorrow at freaking 6:30 am.  It's Don's wedding, and I have to miss it.  I'm torn over that part, honestly.  Not that there was any possibility of me going, plus I get to hang out with Amanda in Oklahoma this fall as my consolation.  (er... that sounds bad cause Amanda is not a consolation prize, but that upcoming trip has been quite a redeeming factor.)

So, I can't sleep, but the trip isn't the cause at all.  It's this whole church planting thing and the attached divisions it seems to cause each time it's name is mentioned.  And I don't even want to go into it.  Here's me editing myself for my 2 readers... literally... 2 readers. 

But the thing is that I've actually been thinking of dusting off and opening up this here blog again.  I kinda think I'm crazy for thinking that.  Not that I have time, but maybe this time I won't need the pressure of posting for other people.  Maybe I'll just post when I feel like it, and it won't be often, but it will be something for me.

(And if blogger would like to quit jankin out every time I hit enter, then I would be more likely to actually go through with this idea.)

 So... we'll see... you might see more of me.  Or you might not.


  1. I hope that we do see you.

    Happy birthday for the other week by the way!!!

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