Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dear Mr. Creditor

I am debt-free. I owe you nothing. So please stop calling me. It's not my fault that Miss Carter had my number before me. I don't know her. I'm not related to her. (And by the way, if I were... do you really think I'd give you information about her?!)

It's not my business how many outstanding, bad debts she has, but once you find her, I have a feeling you'll have to wait in line for quite some time to get your precious money.

So, actually... go ahead and call... cause you know what... I'll report you to the Fair Trade Commission. Stupid Redline Recovery, with immature people that call back, yell, and hang up on innocent bystanders.

Seriously... get a real job! One you can be proud of.

How can you live with yourself knowing that you make your measly living by harassing people? Don't you know you're worth more than that? Don't you know that God has given you real gifts that He wants to use for real work? God didn't create you to ridicule people and to threaten and to act like the scum of the earth.


  1. Love it! Well said..

  2. Oh goodness - Our calls are for William Foley. Every day...William Foley. And I find it so amusing when they try to disguise themselves by asking for "Bill Foley" or just "Bill." It's ridiculous.

  3. Here's the site for reporting those kind of calls. I'm becoming a regular on it.

  4. Tony Manero5:13 PM

    "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers..."

    Sorry for calling you scum, Jesus...

  5. Tony,

    Looks like you need some lessons in reading comprehension.

    Let me help... "stop acting like scum" means "stop acting like scum." It doesn't mean, "You are scum." Read the context of a post before you comment next time.

    Also, please look at context of the Bible before you start quoting it to me. It's talking about service and caring for people, not whether or not we qualify their actions as scum-like.

    Lastly, if he's not a Christian, then yes... he's scum. Everyone is.

    If he is Christian, then he needs to start living in his victory... and STOP ACTING LIKE SCUM!


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