Friday, March 13, 2009

The Cost of Beauty

So, on Wednesday, Billy and I had a great time at PF Chang's (see pic in the previous post). But y'all didn't get the funny side of the story.

I was excited to get a little dressed up for the evening. It's not normally my thing, but c'mon! This is a special day! So, I fit back into the cute black capris that I wore the first day Billy and I met. I had a cute red and black top, and some hot black heels that I literally hadn't worn in years. These shoes made the outfit. I was looking pretty darn good if I do say so.

As we walked toward the restaurant, I noticed that my left shoe was a little too loose, so I figured I'd need to re-buckle when we got inside. I sat down when a bench opened up to do so, but it didn't see to help. I tried again, and noticed this time that the strap was broken. It had come off of the shoe where it attached right near my heel.

"Nice," I thought. But I played it cool... tucked the strap in under my foot and elegantly walked to the table when it was ready for us (and thank God that Billy thought to call for reservations. That place was hoppin' for a Wednesday night!).

Dinner was great, but as we were almost ready to leave, I needed to stop at the ladies room. It was more than a little awkward to walk in a broken shoe, especially when my normal footwear is a pair of well-worn Vann's. But I am a woman! So, I did it with grace.

We came outside and saw a Mac store, so of course, we had to head in there. My foot was starting to hurt from the way I had to hold the shoe on with my toes, but we don't get a lot of chances to hang out without kids, so I really wanted to spend some more time with Billy before we headed home to pay the sitter.

Somewhere between the iMac and the iPhones, my other shoe broke.

Yes... I'm serious. There I was, in the Mac store, looking good with two broken shoes. But that didn't stop me. On the way back to the car, we stopped at a couple of jewelry stores to get a watch battery for Billy and a ring polishing for me. The cool people at Kay's didn't charge for either one. :)

Finally, on the way to the car, I couldn't stay cool about it anymore. I told Billy my feet were hurting because both my shoes had broken.

He offered his condolences and gave me a piggy back ride to the car.

I joked about the leg workout he was getting, and when he put me down I could feel the muscular relief he experiences as his body could go back to it's normal 160 pound burden.

So, I said, "Hey... aren't you glad I lost 20 pounds in the last year?"

He just smiled. And I laughed. It was a good time.


  1. Wow, those are hot black heels. Shame they broke on you. I'm glad you had a good anniversary!

  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Ahhh, being a woman--what we go through for just being our gender :)

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The price we pay for fashion.

    What an awesome anniversary for an awesome couple!


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