Sunday, September 07, 2008

Changing our Family Tree

We just got back from small group a few moments ago. Dinner is in the oven, and I have some spare minutes to jot some thoughts down while Billy and the girls play together.

Our church is feeling some tension recently from financial issues, some of which go back as far as 8 years ago. Others which are more recent. You can read more about the current situation on Billy's blog.

In the midst of all the discussion at the church that's been going on about these issues, Billy and I have decided that it's time to get serious about our own finances, too. If you've been reading long, you know that I do all sorts of stuff to save money. So, we haven't been bad stewards, exactly, but we have started to get convicted on the van loan that we have.

The Bible says, “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:7-8).

So, we talked to our small group about it (I love those people!), and today the whole group got together to start working the financial Baby Steps of Dave Ramsey. We shared stories of where we are and where we've been. Then, we watched a powerful video about stewardship and focusing our hearts to know that everything is God's, and we just manage a portion of it.

Next week, we'll start talking about his book Total Money Makeover. I can't wait to see what God does in our group over the next 10 weeks!


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I feel pretty convicted too. I have so many outstanding debts that have been getting me down. I get so fed up of not being able to treat myself too, and have these crazy moments of buying things that I probably can't afford to try and cheer myself up.

    I've made a few difficult decisions recently to try and compensate, I hope to be 'debt free' (except for mortgage) by 2009...

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Hey, we love yall too :) It was awesome how honest everybody was, wasn't it?

  3. We'll be praying for you guys. As you know, we're in a pretty tough spot, financially, too, and it's just so discouraging, with bills coming in all the time and not as much money doing the same:)

    You guys will do great, and God will bless you.

  4. Finances are so discouraging, all around. I'm there with you, in that regard...

  5. sounds like such a blessing that your small group can get together and be honest with each other about finances, and so willing to encourage.

    i'll definitely be keeping your church (both the organization and the people themselves) in my prayers.
    God bless!


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