Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Review: Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner

Recently, I was sent a free bottle of Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner to use and talk about. I got this benefit from

Pledge is a brand of duster that I use religiously. I have tried other brands that are cheaper... store brands, or other cheap knock-offs, but I always come back to Pledge. I think they have a good product and it's worth the dollar more that I pay for it every 6 months. So, I had high hopes for this new product.

The Set Up

Pledge Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner comes in a 16oz bottle for a retail price of $4.59. It can be used on wood, countertops (both kitchen and bath), glass, stainless steel, tile, electronics, and more. Pledge also has a handy wipe variation that comes in a 25-count package for the same price.

The Good

The spray has a beautiful scent. It's not an overpowering cleaning product kind of scent. It's not even an overpowering "trying to cover up cleaning product smell" kind of scent. It's a very mild, slightly fruity, somewhat tropical scent. I dug it.

It's an all-in-one spray (or wipe) that is a handy tool for quick clean-up. If you're having company over and want to wipe up the bathroom sink and dust the living room, you can do this fast with one bottle.

On a similar note, it would be good to use for teaching kids to clean. I like to get my 8-year-old to wipe down the bathroom once a week, in between my thorough cleanings. With this product, I can add in the mirror with little instruction. It won't last for the long-term, but it'll help get her used to more chores before I add in extra cleaners.

The Bad

Unfortunately, the strength of Pledge leaves much to be desired. It is definitely a weak cleaner, which means it isn't really a candidate for replacing any of the cleaners you're currently using.

In addition to the weakness, it also leaves streaks on glass. I have a glass tabletop, and I found that Pledge Spray won't work for me on cleaning that. It is advertised as "streak free," but I didn't find that to be the case. So, even though it's safe for electronics, I'm not likely to use it on the screens of my computer or TV.

Lastly, the cost is incredibly high. I can get a 28-oz bottle of Method All-Surface spray cleaner for only $4. Method is natural and full of ethics. I like that in a cleaner, and Pledge doesn't have that included in its price tag.

The Verdict

I'm not impressed. I'll use the bottle I have, cause hey! it's free. But after that, when I need more cleaner, I'll stick with my Method.

Have you tried Pledge Multi-Surface? What did you think?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Changing our Family Tree

We just got back from small group a few moments ago. Dinner is in the oven, and I have some spare minutes to jot some thoughts down while Billy and the girls play together.

Our church is feeling some tension recently from financial issues, some of which go back as far as 8 years ago. Others which are more recent. You can read more about the current situation on Billy's blog.

In the midst of all the discussion at the church that's been going on about these issues, Billy and I have decided that it's time to get serious about our own finances, too. If you've been reading long, you know that I do all sorts of stuff to save money. So, we haven't been bad stewards, exactly, but we have started to get convicted on the van loan that we have.

The Bible says, “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:7-8).

So, we talked to our small group about it (I love those people!), and today the whole group got together to start working the financial Baby Steps of Dave Ramsey. We shared stories of where we are and where we've been. Then, we watched a powerful video about stewardship and focusing our hearts to know that everything is God's, and we just manage a portion of it.

Next week, we'll start talking about his book Total Money Makeover. I can't wait to see what God does in our group over the next 10 weeks!