Saturday, June 16, 2007

Eating for Less than Two

I'm happy to report that Ashlyn is now among the solid food eaters. This is super good news because in theory it will fill her up more than the breast milk does. The last few weeks she's been pretty fussy, and I just came to the genius conclusion last night that she is probably ready for solids. I thought I would wait until after Amanda's wedding to start these, as it could be more difficult to do this while out of town in the first week of starting it, but today, I just decided I had to do it, and it was quite a success. Rice cereal is a big hit here at the Chia house.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    your post is cool.

  2. Oh, it's nice that she took to it so well!! My girls both loved their solids and took to it right away.

  3. Yeah...Unfortunately, the rice cereal gave her some pretty bad constipation. But we're over that now...(that was gross, by the way), on to something like sweet potatoes.

  4. Yeah, I'm so happy Ashlyn's less whiny now... oh wait...


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