Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Good of Life

So, I'm sure you've all realized by now that if you don't hear from me on here, it's good news. I really hate that actually. I always feel like such a downer. Just like the crucifix.

Anyway, today, I'm not in a bad way, actually. I just figured that it's been a while and I oughta write something to let those of you I don't talk to a ton know that I'm alive and well.

I don't know....not much to report. We've been homeschooling Eve-Marie, which is going swimmingly (whatever that means...does anyone actually know where the Brits came up with that one, anyway?). But the's good. She's doing well on all her addition tables, up to 9+9. And we're starting the concept of subtraction today, actually. In history, which according to Eve is the best subject after science, we're learning about Ancient Egyptians. It's cool.

Anyway, Billy's at work now. And Eve's in the bath, so it was either mess around online or clean up around the house. Hmmm...tough call there, huh?

Actually, the house isn't TOO bad, and I'm probably more concerned about getting the urine-soaked Lucy into the bath. I don't know when she'll stop peeing in her cage. It's really quite gross.

Ashlyn's growing like crazy, meaning that my stomach is getting huge. I'm trying hard to not eat too much sugar, but I'm failing miserably. Ashlyn's room is almost ready for her. We still have to try to get the piano moved out of there, but the walls are painted and I have most of her clothes sorted and put away. I think we have almost everything large that we need for her also.

Well, I should go be responsible, I suppose.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    :) Thanks for the update. I like to hear about the minutae of my palses liveses.


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