Sunday, July 02, 2006

Out of Touch

Man! Broken computers = super huge inconvenience and a ever-shrinking world around me.

Sorry that it's been forever since I had anything of substance up here. Billy's computer was down for a while, and I've also been sick with the pregnancy lately, too.

Tomorrow, I go for another ultrasound, so we're excited about that. We won't know yet what the sex is; that comes around month 4. But it'll be cool to see how much the baby's grown in the meantime.

God's blessed us with all kinds of cool provision--from health care costs to crib accessories to car seats. It's awesome to see how He comes through on his promise to give everything we need (Phil. 4:19).

Church has been, uh, interesting. Our senior pastor has taken a call to a church in Muncie, so we'll see what happens here in the next few (or several!) months to fill that position at our church. Billy's been connecting in great ways with the youth and recently taught a group of them about worship and leading worship. He's been really excited about that.

I don't know...there's not too much else going on, I guess. I've just been sick a lot, so any of you who pray...your prayers would be much appreciated. I don't actually mind being sick because it's a good excuse to sit around and watch movies, but ultimately, I have a bunch of stuff to do around the house, and it's obviously not getting done, so I feel like a loser about that.

Anyway, yeah... I guess I'm out.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    you're sick with "the pregnancy," huh? that's funny sounding ;) hehe! like you got a bug! ;)

    were you sick much with EM? well, i send you love and prayers for health.


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