Monday, May 29, 2006

Never Ceasing to Amaze

Some crazy things that make me wonder what the heck's wrong with people....

Avril Lavigne mastercards

Jesus statues

And more Jesus statues

Yes, I do classify these in the same category. And what the freak! Why's this stupid underlining happening?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    goodie, goodie, i'll take one of all three. at least in miniature.

    what is WITH the USA sometimes? jeeminy. it really bothers me that there is a market for all three of these. i mean, Jesus statues I guess make faithful people remember Him in a certain way, perhaps. But what do they do for those who don't think of Him/remember Him/love Him? I think they make the church look bad. Like, why not use that money and time to help others? Did God tell them to build these statues? I can't help but wonder if it's just "well-meaning" Christians going wrong and taking an easy way out..."We'll just build a statue and then everyone will know how good/big/ great/awesome Christ is!" i mean, really? I just don't understand sometimes. so i'm withya, S.


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