Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bored out of my mind....

Not that I have much of one to be bored out of. I get the lovely task of sitting in the kitchen watching the dog not pee on the floor. That's actually good news....considering how much she peed on the floor for the first 2 weeks we had her.

But now, by default, I get to sit here and not do laundry ( actually, I really WOULD rather do laundry) and not take a nap, and not do all these other things that I want to do because having a puppy is very inconvenient. She's cute...but inconvenient.

And it's gotten freakin hot here. What ever happened to spring anyway? I swear 3 weeks ago, I was all wearing a parka, and now, I'm sweating even with the air conditioning on.

And I'm obviously in a whiny mood, on top of all that.

But I'm excited because Trish is coming into town this weekend, and I get to hang out with her for a little while. They won't be here for very long, but at least I'll get to see her for a time. I miss her.

We started our small group on Tuesday, which totally RAWKED. It was very cool. We had a couple other people and some that ended up not being able to come due to sickness and other "stuff." But it didn't really matter that it was small's called a "small group" after all.

And now I'm just ramblin, cause I'm freakin bored out of my mind.

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