Monday, March 06, 2006

A lot of nerve...

So, here it is... 5 days away. Counting down, as usual.

The nerves finally started hitting. I don't know...maybe if I were honest with myself, I would've said they hit a couple weeks ago. I think that they built in tiny little increments until finally this weekend, I realized that I'm freakin nervous.

Fortunately, I know that there's no one in the world that I would have a better chance with than Billy. And double fortunately, I know that God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. God's will is for marriage to be amazing. God's will is for family to be a safe place that comforts us and protects us from fears. And God's will is for me and Billy to have that marriage and to build that family. And the past haunts, but it's just a ghost. It's not in control, but then again I'm not much lately, either.

Cryptic? Good.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    not cryptic. understandable. believe God for the things you said, and DO NOT!!!! listen to the enemy. believe me when i say it doesn't get better against the enemy once you're married - it gets worse. but you have your mate by you to BE WITH YOU in those struggles. please for the sake of your marriage don't EVER hold things from each other! i speak from experience. things go God's way when you're completely agape with each other. don't worry! it's going to ROCK! marriage is a TON of fun and really cool. i am more thankful for Tom every single day. can't wait to see you this weekend in your beautiful dress and all the coolstuff.

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    update your blog, woman! now that you're a married one! :)

  3. sorry....had more pressing things to do...ahem...cough, cough...


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