Saturday, March 18, 2006


so, the wedding went off without a hitch, and all was well with the world.

in fact, it still is.

it's weird cause I knew that things would change somehow after marriage, but I didn't quite realize that they would change so quickly or that it would necessarily be a good thing. I think that when people talk about things changing after marriage it's like their trying to tell you that everyone is a big con artist. It's like, "Everything changes after marriage and you find out all these things about this person, and you realize that everything they ever said was false and everything they ever pretended to be was about 100x better than they'll ever be able to live up to." But for all my week of marriage experience...I feel like the changes that have come have only intensified my love for Billy.

I'm not sure that I can even explain that in any logical or coherent way. All I know is that I love him like crazy, and I love him more today than I did a week ago, but a week ago, we were just now saying our vows...or perhaps we were just now having our first kiss. And I didn't know yet what having him as my husband would be like. I probably still don't.

But I feel secure, and I feel comforted.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

This is a test 2

To see what happens when I link to my hot husband with a trackback address in the body.

This is a test

Just a test to see what happened when I link to my hot husband with the trackback under the title.

Monday, March 06, 2006

A lot of nerve...

So, here it is... 5 days away. Counting down, as usual.

The nerves finally started hitting. I don't know...maybe if I were honest with myself, I would've said they hit a couple weeks ago. I think that they built in tiny little increments until finally this weekend, I realized that I'm freakin nervous.

Fortunately, I know that there's no one in the world that I would have a better chance with than Billy. And double fortunately, I know that God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. God's will is for marriage to be amazing. God's will is for family to be a safe place that comforts us and protects us from fears. And God's will is for me and Billy to have that marriage and to build that family. And the past haunts, but it's just a ghost. It's not in control, but then again I'm not much lately, either.

Cryptic? Good.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

w00t! today is freakin' awesome.

Last night Billy and I wrote our vows, and it was amazing. I'm so crazy in love with that man. I'm also crazy impatient for March 11 to come.

We also went earlier in the day to get our marriage license, so that was fun. Little details suck sometimes, but right now, I feel like they are a sign of very near happiness. Not that I'm lacking any happiness now, but the more little details I have to deal with, the more I know that the time till I'm Mrs. Billy Chia is fast approaching.

Tonight's the HUGE spaghetti dinner at church, and I'm happy about that. I love cooking, but I also like eating food that's been fixed by someone else...especially after I work.

But I'm just getting really boring here...