Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Surprisingly Painless

So, today, I had to get my car title and driver's license transferred to Alabama. I was fearing this day like no other.

Since moving to Alabama, I've run into a few hang-ups with the government. The child support rigamarole I've had to go through was beyond obnoxious. And I already wrote about the Farmer's Market confusion.

So, I was planning on hours at the courthouse for the tags followed by hours at the police department for my license. But it was actually a piece of cake.

In and out within 15 minutes at each place. Quite uneventful. Not at all like other visits to other BMVs.


  1. here in the Gem state, i have to retake my drivers test to get my license.
    Needless to say, haven't done that yet...

    I figure, my goal is before the election so that I don't have to run to michigan to vote.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I don't recall ever having taken a driver's test in my life. But then again, I live in Central America.


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