Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jesus Does Have a Sense of Humor...

A little while ago, at small group, Billy and I somehow started quoting the Jesus videos. The rest of the group wondered what the heck we were doing, and I told them I'd send a link to the videos so they could check them out for themselves, but I realized that these are just so funny that everyone ought to see them. And since EVERYONE reads my blog...

Here's a taste of them...

Vintage21 Jesus Video 4

More can be found at the Jesus Videos myspace page.


  1. Hoooowwww do you expect to get into heaven by playing board games all day?

  2. Wow, kid. That was quick!

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    :O It's an impostor Jesus!! It can't be him...surely?!

    Did no one ever tell folks that Jesus did not own sunblock and lived in the Middle East?!! And that his Dad is Morgan Freeman??


    And Jesus...a sense of humour?! That's like saying Jesus went to the bathroom while He was here on earth (surely not?!)

  4. Laura Anne! You cracked me up more than the video with that bathroom comment.

  5. "One moment of peace, please." HA! I love that one!

    Miss you guys ;)


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