Thursday, February 07, 2008

Are You For Real!

Remember "magic brownies" from your college days? They are now available in stores!

Can't wait to try these!

HT: My hippie mom


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    it's just the hemp seeds, the THC comes from the buds of marijuana plants; it's not gonna do anything; it's just a NOVELTY!!!!!! And they're not very good............. ;)

  2. Jenn,

    Why'd you have to ruin the joke? ;)

    Of course, we won't get high, but it's still funny anyway.

  3. Man, I was hoping it was a new way for moms to cope with their long days. JK. Very funny, though. Even with the other comment I am tempted to try them anyway...:)

  4. Anonymous11:58 PM

    i will make them tomorrow (Mon) and bring you some Sarah. you can share them with Cara. sorry, Jenn, none for the killjoy.

    hippie mom

  5. Anonymous6:38 PM

    sorry everyone. just that they aren't good at all. they're so....chalky! (believe me, i tried 'em in college, for fun. and was abruptly disappointed.)


  6. Jenn,

    I think magic brownies have come a long way since college.

    My mom made these this week, and I went back for more. They were a bit "earthy" (as my mom put it...very real description), but if you could handle that part, they were actually pretty moist and interesting, to say the least.


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