Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Prompt:  Post and blog about the 6th picture in the 6th folder on your computer.

Eve is a gymnast.  Or was a gymnast.  I'm not sure what to call her anymore.  I'd love to see her keep being a gymnast, but for now, it's not in the budget, and she's not really into keeping up her skills.  But there was a time that the girl was a handstand machine.  I mean it.

But she's also been a hesitant learner, and this picture was taken because Eve was doing that thing that we all do - failing to admit the truth about herself.  This picture was taken after being posed in this position.  Another one had been taken previously of her own version of this stance... the version where her arms were falling and her back was not straight.  "Stand up straight" "Keep your arms straight" We'd told her over and over, but each time she insisted that she already had the posture exactly how she was supposed to.

It took the pictures to show her where things were wrong.

Sometimes I wish there was a camera to show me that kind of thing with my character.  I've had things pointed out to me about myself... I've been told to be more this or do such-and-such that way. And I've insisted that I have been exactly the way I'm supposed to.  But looking back, I can see how I wasn't. 

It would hurt, but wouldn't it also be nice to have some concrete evidence in the moment that was right there telling you, "Ummm... no.  You're not being the person you think you're being." 

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